The First Flight

Baby birds know how to fly naturally, so they do not hae to learn to fly. But they do need to practice in order to learn how to twist and turn in the air and how to land without falling on their face.
"The bird's flight feathers are not fully grown."

Follow The leader

At first, baby chaffinches safely hidden among the branches near their nest. After a few days, they can fly quite well. Then the young birds follow their parents around as they hnt for food. This saves the parents time and energy, as they no longer have to carry food back to the nest.
"A baby chaffinch nervously makes its first flight, as its parents call out to encourage it."

Brave Babies

Little Auks nest on cliff ledges high above the sea, where most of their enemies cannot reach them. On their very first flight, the baby auks must reach the sea below. There they will learn how to catch fish to eat. If they don't reach the sea, they will crash-land on the rocks.

Look Out Below!

The wood duck lays her eggs in a tree hole up to 50 feet above the ground, out of reach of foxes and other enemies. Before the ducklings are a day old, they must leap out of the tree. Their mother waist on the ground below, calling to them to follow her. When they have all landed safely, she will lead them to water and food.