Night Hunters
When the sun sets,most birds settle down for the night. But owls are different. Most of them spend the day asleep and wake up when it gets dark. Owls hunt small animals at night by using sensitive eyes and ears.
" The owl's forward-pointing eyes have spotted its prey-- can you find iy too? "
Pinpointing Prey
Owls have "binocular" vision. This means that both their eyes point in the same direction,just like ours. This way of seeing lets an owl know exactly how far away its prey is.
Still Life
The long-eared owl spends the day perched motionless on a branch.Its is very difficult to see,because its feathers make it look just like a piece of wood.This owl has long "ear" tufts that it can raise or lower.These help it to recognize other owls of the same type,or species.
Sight And Sound
Owls can see their prey by moonlight or even by starlight. They can also hunt when it is completely dark. They do this by using their very sensitive hearing.
The Barn Owl
The barn owl lives all over the world,from America to Australia.Like other owls,it has a flat face. This guides sounds into its ears, which are hidden under its feathers.
" The barn owl catches small animals with its claws and carries them off in its beak. It swallows them whole."
What's On The Menu?
After an owl has eaten,it coughs up a pellet. This contains the bones and fur of its prey.Old pellets are quite safe to handle,and yo can gently pull them apart with tweezers to see what an owl has been eating.
Finding Pellets
The best place to look for pellets is in old barns or around tree trunks.Old matchboxes make good containers for storing the bones.