Teaching Birds To Talk

Teaching a bird to talk can be lots of fun,but it does require patience,and you will naturally have to choose one of the talking birds.Birds,like babies, don't learn to talk in one day. It can take as long as a year,and sometimes even longer,to teach your pet to mimic words.

It is almost impossible to teach a bird to talk if there is another bird in the cage. The key to teaching your bird is to position the cage so that nothing  distracts it. Some trainers suggest covering three sides and the top of the cage so that your bird can see only you.

Begin your lessons with one or two simple words such as: "Hi, Bobbie" or "Pretty Birdie" Repeat these words over and over. Every time you walk near the cage repeat the words. Do not say anything else to your bird except the words you are trying to teach it to say. Try to use the same inflection in yor voice each time you repeat the words. Then one day,weeks or even months later,yor bird will surprise you and softly repeat your words. Once you have taught your bird its first words,yo should have no difficulty teaching it many phrases. You can teach it specific questions and responses and even bits of poetry. Remember, these little creatures have no reasoning power. Don't ask your bird a question and expect an answer. A bird cannot think up a sentence; it can only repeat what it has been taught.

One of the easiest ways to teach your bird to talk is to buy a record or tape with just one phrase repeated over and over again. Your local pet dealer should be able to obtain these records for you.

Teaching Birds To Sing

Teaching a bird to sing is similar to teaching it to talk. It takes time and patience. Canaries, for example, are famous fo their song, but they often need a little help before they begin singing. The best way to teach a bird to sing is to purchase a record of a well-trained singing bird. When playing the record, place your bird near the record player in a position in the room that is free from distraction. Some people find that darkening the surroundings helps a bird to concentrate on the music and, consequently, learn to sing more quickly.

The best way to be certain that your bird will entertain you with its singing is to purchase one that already sings. Your pet dealer should be willing to give you a written guarantee that you are buying a singer. If your bird doesn't sing within three weeks of bringing it home, exchange it for another bird.

 However, a bird has to be taken care of to be happy; your bird has to sing.