Toys For Your Bird

Ii is generally only parrot species and, to a lesser extent, mynahs that benefit from toys in their environment. In the past,most toys have been made for Budgerigars.
Many people provide a mirror for a Budgerigar housed on its own, which provides a measure of companionship for these highly social birds. However, problems sometimes arise when a Budgerigar persistently feeds its reflection and attempts to mate with it. If you notice your pet spending an abnormal amount of time playing with its reflection, remove the mirror for a few weeks.
A ladder is a more functional toy, which enables the Budgerigar to scamper up and down. Ladders present a slight risk with young birds,however, whose playful instincts may result in them becoming stuck between the rungs. It is preferable, therefore, to withhold a ladder until your pet is about five or six months old. At first the bird may be nervous of its toys, but within a short period its natural curiosity will win through.
To cater to the destructive nature of parrots, special chews are available. These fit on to the perch, or you can place them on the floor of the cage. They also help to keep their bills in trim.

Adapting HouseHold Items

Simple, ordinary household items will also appeal to your pet. One of the most satisfactory is a Ping-Pong (table tennis) ball. This is light enough for a Budgerigar to push around with its bill and it may also attempt to stand on it, rolling it along as a result. A simple toy for parrots is a wooden cotton-reel. Soak off the labels, suspend it on strong wire, and tie it out of reach. The parrot will readily learn to climb up and grasp it in its bill and slide the reel up and down the wire.

Safe Toys

As a general rule , do not buy elaborate toys, since you must be able to clean them. Avoid any item that could have sharp projections.Budgerigars tend to nibble their toys, so avoid any that might be coated with toxic paint.