Meat-Eating Birds
There are many meat-eaters in the bird world. The ones that hunt by swooping and attacking with their claws are called birds of prey. Most birds of prey watch for food from high in the air,so this is the best place to look for them.
" Shrikes catch small animals with their beaks. They store their food by spearing it on thorns. "
Feathered Hunters
Birds of prey are not the only birds that hunt. Many other birds, such as shrikes, also feed by catching very small animals and insects. But they use their beaks, not their claws, to catch food.
" The bald eagle uses its huge, hooked beak for pulling apart the bodies of fish and other animals. "
Fishing From The Air
The majestic blad eagle fishes from the air. It flaps over the water,snatches up a fish in its claws,and then flies away with it to a perch. Blad eagles are usually seen near lakes,rivers,and coasts.
Eyes In The sky
The Kestrel is one of the few birds of prey that can hover. By fluttering its wings very quickly, it can hang in the air as it pinpoints its prey. Grassy roadsides are good places to spot Kestrels in action.
" From its position in the sky, the Kestrel can watch for small animals below "
Cleaning Up
Vultures may not be very popular birds,but they do a useful job in eating up the remains of dead animals. They peck holes in carcasses and stretch out their long necks to feed inside.One kind of vulture carries bones high into the air and drops them onto rocks to crack them opem.Then it feeds on the soft marrow inside.