A Community Cage Of Birds
Parrots,parakeets, and mynas are popular pets because they can talk, and canaries are valued because they can sing. But there are many species of cage birds that are kept solely for their beauty and the companionship that they provide. Among the most popular of these birds are the finches.
There are many different kinds of finches, most of which make good pets,and they come from all parts of the world. Among the most popular of the small finches are the waxbill, the strawberry finch, the red singing finch, and the zebra finch. Favorites among the large finches are the weaver, the nun, the star finch, and the cutthroat. The most beautiful finch of all is the hooded Gouldian.
Most varieties of finches like company and should be kept in pair. Many finch lovers enjoy keeping several pairs of finches of different kinds in a large community cage. Each bird adds its own song and distinctive flash of color to the cage.
The care and breeding of finches is relatively simple. They are hardy birds that thrive very nicely on canary seed, millet, greens, and special "condition" food sold in most pet shops. These birds breed readily in captivity, and with good care they can live more than 20 years. Another bird that gets along nicely with finches is the Java ricebird. It a light gray bird with a shiny black head and a large pink bill. As the name implies. this bird enjoys rice in its diet. It also gets along very nicely on finch food. The Java ricebird makers a lovely addition to a colony of large finches.