Here are  interesting facts about birds

Number 1

The bird with the largest wingspan out of any other bird in the world is the wandering albatross their wingspan can grow up to eleven point eight feet across .

Number 2

The most dangerous bird in the world is the cassowary these large birds are capable of killing an adult human with just one kick.

 Number 3

Hummingbirds beat their wings as fast as times per second that's faster than any other bird on the planet their joints allows a hummingbird to hover in one place and also fly backwards and upside down.

 Number 4

 There are approximately , approximately 10,000 different species of bird living throughout the world.

Number 5

A woodpecker can Peck work up to 20 times per second they averaged a total of 10,000 pecks per day .

Number 6 

The ostrich is the tallest and heaviest bird in the world they stand up to nine feet tall and wear to 350 pounds

Number 7

bold eagles often use the same nest year after year adding more twigs and branches each time one nests was found which had been used for 34 years and weighed over two tons.

 Number 8

 The bee hummingbird is a smallest living bird in the world with an average wingspan of five point five centimeters and an average weight of just one point nine grams.

 Number 9 

 many bird species have hollow and thin bones to make their bones lighter allowing them to fly with more ease 

Number 10

 the spine tailed Swift is the fastest flying bird in the world they can reach a maximum speed of up to one six miles an hour.

 Number  11

 the Australian Pelican has a longer speak out of any other bird in the world it can grow to nearly 2 feet long.

12 Number 

owls could not swivel their eyes instead they move their whole heads completely around to see behind them owls can rotate their heads as much as 270 degrees

 13 Number

 the pink orange or red colors of the flamingos feathers are caused by carotene pigments which are found in the food days

14 Number 

approximately 75% of wild birds that live less than one year the larger the bird the more likely it is to live longer the large wandering albatross for example can live up to 80 years old

15 Number 

 ostriches lay the biggest eggs in the world one ostrich egg is the equivalent of 24 chickens eggs and can weigh around 1.5 kilograms.