Good Parents
Most new parents have to work very hard when a baby arrives, and birds are no exception. Newborn birds are usually helpless, so thier parents have to feed them, keep them clean, and guard them from other animals that may want to eat them.
Most parent birds tuck the chicks under their feathers to keep them warm or to shade them from the hot sun.
Egg Impostor
Cuckoo parents avoid looking after their young by laying their eggs in other birds'nests.When the baby cuckoo hatches, it pushes the others out of the nest. This cuckoo bigger than its foster parents, but they continue to feed it.
Penguin parents
Penguins come ashore to rear their chicks. But they need to travel far out to sea to hunt for fish. The parents take turns looking after the chick. One parent stays with the chick while the other goes out to sea to fish.
"The penguin chick has a thick fluffy coat, but it still huddles against its parent to keep warm"
Light As A Feather
Swans lay their eggs in a big nest on the riverbank. Baby swans can swim and find their own food soon after they hatch. They are so light that they float easily on the water. Every day their parents lead them to safe place to feed. Swans can be very fierce when they are guarding their young They will attack any animal tat comes too close, even humans--so be careful if you see them.
" Baby swans are called cygnets. They cygnets are enjoying a ride on their mother's back, safe and warm among her feathers. The father swan has raised his wings so he looks big and frightening. "
Reaching For A Fish
A pelican chick reaches far inside its parent's throat in search of food. The parent pelican flies out to sea and catches lots of fish. it swallows them all and flies home. Then it coughs up the fish for the chick to eat.
" The herring gull chick is not as brightly colored as its parents. This helps it to hide from foxes, bigger gulls, and other enemies. "
Parents Peckers
A hngry herring gull chick pecks at the bright red spot at the tip of its parent's bill. This persuades its parent to cough up food. The hungry chick gobbles it up.