Today we're learning about the top five
fastest birds in the world.
This is a countdown of the fastest birds in the world but in fact these five birds represent the fastest animals of any kind in the entire world.

 Number 5 The Eurasian hobby

 A small Falcon that resides in Africa Europe and Central and East Asia the Eurasian hobby is a bird of prey it flies powerfully and fast its speed allows it to catch and even sometimes beat it's dinner midair dragonflies small bats swallows and even Swift's the Eurasian hobby may reach flight speeds of up to  miles or  kilometers per hour

Number 4 The Swift

 Swift's look a bit like swallows but they are actually more closely related to hummingbirds Swift's spend almost their whole lives in flight they spend so much time in the air that hundreds of years ago people believed that they had no feet since they were never seen to land of course they do have feet but their legs are small and weak and they never land on the ground if they can help it Swift's have been reported flying at speeds of  miles or  km/h.

 Number 3 The Gyrfalcon 

The gyrfalcon is the largest of the Falcon species living mainly in the Arctic and the bordering areas of North America Greenland Europe and Asia it feeds on birds and mammals like lemmings ground squirrels and hares Jerr Falcons are valued by falconers who use them in hunting although it rarely hunts by diving the gyrfalcon achieves high speeds and its dives as much as  miles or kilometers per hour.

Number 2 the Golden Eagle 

One of the largest and most widespread Eagles in the Northern Hemisphere the Golden Eagle is considered one of the best flyers in the entire Eagle family like the gyrfalcon the Golden Eagle is valued by falconers but it can take much larger prey it is such a large skilled hunter that it can even kill wolves in a full stoop a golden eagle can reach speeds of miles or  kilometres per hour making it the second fastest living thing on earth.

 number 1 The Peregrine Falcon

 The fastest animal on the planet the peregrine falcon is found on every continent except Antarctica it is about the same size as a crow and it hunts birds almost exclusively although it will sometimes take small mammals or reptiles Peregrine's have been used by humans in falconry to hunt game for at least , years in a full stoop when it flies to a great height and then pulls its wings close and dives the peregrine falcon may reach speeds of miles or  km/h faster than any other  living thing on earth I hope you enjoyed learning about the fastest birds on earth and stay tuned for more creature