Birds Of The Rain Forest
Warm,steamy rain forests are home to many strange and unusual birds that may have colorful feathers and beaks. You can find birds like Hummingbirds,Parrots,Toucans,and cock-of-the-rock birds living in these areas of the world.
Cock-Of-The-Rock Birds
Cock-Of-The-Rock birds live in the rain forests of South America. Male birds have bright, striking feathers and a large crest on top of their head. In order to attract a mate, the males perform dances, at special display areas in the forest.
Beautiful hummingbirds have feathers that shine and change color with the light. They are incredible fliers and can fly forwards, backwards, and twist upside down, as well as hovering in the air to collect nectar from flowers.
Toucans live in Central and South America. You can recognize a toucan by its large, colorful beak, which can be up to one-third the length of its body! The beak is hollow and despite its size it is quite light. Toucans use their large beak to reach fruit from faraway branches.