Feed The Birds
A feed bell on rope attracts acrobatic tits and nuthatches, and provides a safe feeding place out of reach of cats. To make a feeding bell, you will need a yogurt container, a piece of strong string,some bird food(seeds,nuts,raisins,crumbs),some melted fat(lard,suet,or grease),and a mixing bowl.
1- Make a small hole in the bottom of the container.Thread the string through and secure it with a large knot or tie a small towing on the end.
2- Ask an adult to warm the fat until it melts.Then mix in the bird food in a bowl.
3- Spoon the mixture into the cup and leave it in a cool place until it hardens.
4- Hang the bell on tree in the garden or on the side of a bird table.Watch for tits performing as they feed.