From Soaring To Bounding

Meat-eating birds often need to fly long distances in search of a meal.Many smaller birds do not need to fly so far.Some keep close to hedges and trees,where their enemies will not spot them.


The peregrine falcon swoops down om other smaller birds in a vertical dive known as a stoop .Spot the sky diver near mountains or cliffs.


Eagles soar on thermals- warm pockets of rising air -so athey don't have to flap their wings much.In this way, they can keep an eye on the ground and save energy as well!
What Do They Soar ?
Soaring birds go where the thermals are -over mountains and wide open plains.

"If you want to spot a hummingbird,look for a tiny bird,as small as your finger,and listen for a whirring sound-this is its wings beating"

Flying Backward

The hummingbird is the only bird that can fly sideways,forward,and backward. It is also the best hoverer of all. It needs to hover to feed on nectar from flowers.

"Hummingbirds hover in front of flowers as they sip the sweet nectar.The nectar in the flower gives the energy to hover."


Bluetits and many other small birds have a slightly bounding flight.They flap their wings in short bursts,and then rest and glide.This save energy. Although this flight pattern is slightly exaggerated, small birds look as if they are bouncing up and down on the end of an elastic band!