Talking To The Air
A bird stays in the air by flapping its wings.As it pulls its wings down,the feathers push against the air,moving the bird up and forward.
"The feathers twist to let air through as the wings rise."
Flying Like A Plane
Some birds can also fly like airplanes,using the force of the air to keep them in flight.This type of flight uses much less energy because the birds rarely flap their wings.As air flows faster over the curved surface of a wing and slower underneath,it creates a force that pushes the bird upward force is called lift.
"The Owl's broad wings allow it of fly slowly but still stay in the air."
Silent Flight
Compared to the pigeon,the barn owl has broad wings and a slow,silent flight.It flaps its way over fields and hedges,watching and listening for small animals.Because it is so quiet,it can swoop onto prey without giving itself away.
"The Owl spring into the air with a kick of it feet."
Fast Fliers
Pigeons are powerful and speedy fliers.They are good at taking off in a hurry and can fly for many hours without a break.Some pigeons are specially trained for racing.You can recognize racing pigeons because they often have rings around their legs,showing who they belong to.As th pigeon pulls its wings downward,the feathers flatten out to make a single surface.
Happy Landing
Landing safely is an important part of flying.The bird has to slow down at just the right time so that it drops gently to the ground.Young birds have to practice before they can lan properly.