Bird Territories

The world of birds is full of private property. These pieces of land are called territories. They are an important part of the way many birds live. By claiming a territory, a bird can make sure that it has somewhere to attract a mate, somewhere to nest, and enough space for a growing family.

Jungle Showplace

The male cock-of-the-rock has a small territory floor where he shows off his plumage to females.

Star Performer

Males display their crests and their feathers. The female will mate with the one who puts on the best performance.

Bird Song

To us, bird song is just a pretty sound. But to birds, it is a way of sending messages about their territories.
"Robins sing from high perches so that they can be heard a long way off"

It's My garden!

Male European robins often set up territories in gardens. The owner sings loudly to tell other robins where his territory is.

Battling Redbreasts

If another male robin flies into the territory, a battle quickly follows.

Keep Your Distance

Gannets are large seabirds that nest together on rocky cliffs and islands. Around each nest is a small territory, reaching just as far as the bird on the nest can stretch.