Flying Away
Have you noticed how some birds disappear in winter? Have you ever wondered where they go? Many live in two different places.
They spend winter where it is warmer. In spring, they fly away to raise their families where there is plenty of food. These journeys are migrations.
Wild geese migrate in V-shaped flocks. Flying in this flocks. Flying in this formation uses less energy. Each bird gets a lift from the force of the bird in front.
Flight Of The Snow Goose
Snow geese breed in the Arctic tundra and migrate south tothe Gulf of Mexico. Their journey is about 2,000 miles long. The world's greatest bird traveler, the Arctic tern, makes a round trip of 25,000 miles! . Snow geese use the sun and stars as a compass to help them find their way.
Traveling Geese
Snow geese travel in flocks that can contain tens of thousands of birds. They pause on their long journey to rest and feed at their favorite lakes. At night,you can hear the geese calling as they fly overhead.
In Mexico, snow geese eat lots of plants to build strength for their return journey.
Herald Of Summer
According to an old saying "one swallow doesn't make a summer." But when swallows arrive, you can be sure that summer is not far behind. In autumn, young swallows migrate with their parents. The following spring, many find their way from southern Africa to Europe by instinct.
Some snow geese are blue-gray instead of white. They are called blue snow geese.
A coded aluminum ring is put on the bird's leg to find out its movements and life span.